30 Dec 2012 03:09

Hello, Sergey!

I struggled few hrs trying to figure out why I can't post comments. Joomla also throws two errors:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxx/public_html/components/com_cobalt/library/php/helpers/helper.php on line 197

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxx/public_html/components/com_cobalt/library/php/helpers/helper.php on line 209

I even disabled the possibility to upload attachments and still nothing. The comments are showing up in the backend, but not in the frontend, even if they are approved/published. Anyway, the files were uploaded correctly when I allowed that.

I'm willing to buy a full subscription if I manage to do all the things I need to be going. If you need FTP/Super User login just ask.

Thank you, Sergey!

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
30 Dec 2012 05:06

Please provide me administrative access to Joomla backend in private comment.

30 Dec 2012 08:22

Sergey, the login info is this:

Username: sergey

Password: Srg2013

I also have some bug reports related to rating stars. Shall I open a new topic for other to find it too?

Thank you very much!


Marius Carneala

Total posts: 13,748
30 Dec 2012 10:22

I checked your site. Looks good :)

I tried with new record and it works good. Although I have discovered the problem. Right now just create another record. But it will be fixed next update.

FYI: We release updates weekly every Thursday. Please come and read blog to know what is new and what is fixed.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Dec 2012 10:38

I have enabled debug mode on your site. It helps to discover errors quicker.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Dec 2012 10:52

I have also fixed it on your site.

30 Dec 2012 16:36

Thank you for your support, Sergey!

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