# File Hits Size
1 Joomla 3 field_cobalt.j3.boolean.v.8.51.zip 926 8 Kb
2 Joomla 3 field_cobalt.j3.boolean.v.8.53.zip 713 8 Kb
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iPhone like switcher allow user to chose between 2 values. Values may be different: True/False, Yes/No, Show/Hide, Male/Female, Agree/Disagree, or any other you can think out.

Core Field Features

Feature Yes
Sortable Yes
Filterable Yes
Javascript validation Yes

Specific Plugin Features

  • Your own true/false values
  • In article show as text or as icons
  • Ability to identify Label for True and False value
  • Large selection of icons for the field
  • Ability to customize the display of the plugin
  • Integration with component Emerald


Powered by Cobalt