23 Июль 2016 16:59

How to Change the link for this button by the product link or product category managed by HikaShop.

Bouton purchase new or update subscription 00

Последние изменения: 28 Июль 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Июль 2016 00:31

Hello Teophile, as far as I remember it you have to create an override for the subscription history view.
Follow the usual Joomla override method, and copy the following file:


Around line 17 you should find the default link to the plans list. Replace it with your new target URL.


Hope this helps.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июль 2016 03:42

Another way is to create override in /teplates/[your template]/html/com_emerald/emhistory/default.php and there you delete everything and insert.

JFactory::getApplication()->redirect(' http://link/to/hikashop ');

In this case you do not need to change links. Because that one no only one link. There is one that is generated for alerts and so on. If you go this way, no matter how user got here, he will end up at Hikashop.

Teophile VIP
Total posts: 25
24 Июль 2016 09:55

Thank you for your prompt response: I modified it as follows :

templates/[my template]/html/com_emerald/emlist/default.php

JFactory::getApplication()->redirect(' http://www. [My domaine]/index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=category&layout=listing&Itemid=xxx');

and answer the need.

Is it correct ???

Tank You

Total posts: 13,748
27 Июль 2016 10:01

Of course you've changed [my template] and [My domaine], right?

Does it work?

Teophile VIP
Total posts: 25
28 Июль 2016 12:07

Yes it works :

Image 1

Bouton vers hykashop

To picture 2

Bouton vers hykashop 2

Rule and very satisfied about

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