09 Май 2017 16:29

Hi there, I have a client who is currently running a Job Board on their website, which is built using Zoo.

They are not happy with it (I won't go into why as no need!), and have asked me to look at alternative components. After doing some research, I have come across Cobalt. I can see from the product page it suggests that Cobalt can be used to make a Job Board - however it does not show a demo or give any examples to how this would be created.

Can someone possibly give me any further information on this? And a link to a Job Board that has been built with Cobalt?

My client specifically wants for members of it's website to be able to upload /import Jobs into the website via an XML import, and I can see on the Cobalt product page it seems to suggest this is possible.

Any information you can give me to help me work out if Cobalt can do the above will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


Последние изменения: 07 Дек 2024

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
10 Май 2017 13:35

Hello you can do, especially XML IMPORT, but i used lot of custom work to achieve my favorite goal even if, now, i prefer to use wordpress (i use both)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Май 2017 17:03

Hello, basically you can build anything with Cobalt... it is quite universal and has some specialties you won't find in another "CCK" or "Directory" extension. But don't expect an out-of-the-box solution. You would have to play with it, to get a feeling and overview of the possibilities. As clowride mentioned before, you might need further customizations, although there are many things to configure by parameters.

Guest currently running a Job Board on their website, which is built using Zoo. They are not happy with it (I won't go into why as no need!)

I think it would be interesting to know what they do not like.
What should be improved and what should another component do differently?
IMHO, you might get a better answer and advice.

Total posts: 5
07 Дек 2024 08:47

Using Cobalt to create a job board can be a promising approach, as it offers robust capabilities for developing scalable and feature-rich platforms. Cobalt's flexibility in handling dynamic content and integrating custom functionalities makes it a potential choice for businesses aiming to connect job seekers and employers effectively. However, success depends on factors like development expertise and aligning the platform with user needs.

Additionally, exploring tools like nbi online application for document clearance could streamline processes such as background checks, adding value to the job board's services. With careful planning, this integration might enhance the overall user experience.

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