02 Июль 2012 18:10

The title says all. Is it possible to do something like that? The on-site notifications are not enough for my demands.

I've found the option unter "Edit Section > Events" but it doesn't seem to work for me. It is checked, but the system doesn't send E-Mails. Although Joomla-related mails are sent correctly (e.g. on registration of a new user).

P.S.: Like the new stable version and thinking about a subscription in the coming week :)

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
02 Июль 2012 18:33

Make sure, you have "Allow record subscribe" set to "Yes" and "Record edited" to "Registered".

Double check, if you get the red notification icon on the respective record.

I can not test the email functionality at the moment, since i use a local installation without activated email.

P.S.: Like the new stable version and thinking about a subscription in the coming week

You should seriously think about it, if you get more familiar with the system. The real power of Cobalt comes with the additional fields, modules and templates.

03 Июль 2012 08:03

Thank you for the fast answer, again. :)

Everything seems configured correctly, but doesn't work for me. Although "E-Mail alerts schedule" is set to immediately, I've tested it with "Public" and "Registered" for "Record edited". Doesn't work, Notifications themselves work fine.

May be because I use the Joomla integrated PHP Mailer and not Sendmail or SMTP? What could it possibly be?

Total posts: 13,748
03 Июль 2012 09:50

To sent emails you need to add cron task

http://yourite.com/index.php?option=com_cobalt& ;task=cron.sendAlert

Set it to run at least once a day. Then those who want to receive emails will. For immediate delivery I would set it once a 3 minuts at least.

10 Июль 2012 03:58

Creating a cronjob worked perfectly.

Thank you!

Is there any kind of documentation where I could have read it?

Total posts: 13,748
10 Июль 2012 07:40

Is there any kind of documentation where I could have read it?

Just 2 days we opened


We will add there little by little. We will post there some videos as well. I would make a lot of them if have native english. But with my talking skill simple things become complicated tasks. S it takes time to prepare more or less acceptable video.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Авг 2012 22:31

CRON is mandatory to get any Emails? The backend parameters do not explain that... I remember, that Resources1.5 had both options. Direct Email was send immediatetally. Easy and simple setup. Also liked the different Email-Templates. Does Cobalt work different or has minor features ;-) ?

Total posts: 13,748
10 Авг 2012 02:46

Before there was separate email for every event. Now Cobalt sends only digest for the day or week. And email is always the same. it is in the language file.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Авг 2012 02:57

Now Cobalt sends only digest for the day or week. And email is always the same. it is in the language file.

Less features in Cobalt than in Resources? :(( Sergey!!! ;-)

Why only one Email Template?

Only Digest?

My latest Test-Installation does not send any Digest. I can see notification marker with number, but get no email.

BTW, there is a setting that says it sends Emails at once!? Digest is second option.

10 Авг 2012 03:16

Did you configure the cron job correctly? Maybe that is the problem.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Авг 2012 03:17

BTW, section parameters "Events" -> Send Email Alerts

Is it just a toggle, that turns off sending emails?

It seems NOT to hide the Email-Alerts-Schedule "Select" in user options panel? If there are no Emails send, then the user must not see this options.

Compared to the other parameter "User can Override"... this does hide the respective notifications tab and checkboxes.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Авг 2012 03:25

BTW, there is a setting that says it sends Emails at once!? Digest is second option.

But it use the same email template for immediate. It is just sending digest once a 2-3 minuts depending of your cron configuration.

BTW, there is a setting that says it sends Emails at once!? Digest is second option.

Is it just a toggle, that turns off sending emails?

It is default value what to do if user have not configured this parameter.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Авг 2012 03:29

It seems NOT to hide the Email-Alerts-Schedule "Select" in user options panel? If there are no Emails send, then the user must not see this options.

By the onу the rules your letters are considered to be a spam if user do not have an option to unsubscribe. That is why we always allo end user to select tis parameter. because notification system by itself well sufficient. In most cases you do тещ need email alerts. because it is easy just open site and immediately see all notifications.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Авг 2012 06:28


Exactly. You can imagine that on more or less big site the sending of emails may reach 1000 for one event easy. We do not want users wait till notification will send all the letters before load the page. We fight for very ms :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Авг 2012 14:49

To sent emails you need to add cron task

http://yourite.com/index.php?option=com_cobalt& ;task=cron.sendAlert

Set it to run at least once a day. Then those who want to receive emails will. For immediate delivery I would set it once a 3 minuts at least.

Still not sure how it utilize these user settings? How does it change the interval and time according to this setting? Please, could you write an article in knowledge base.

Total posts: 13,748
11 Авг 2012 06:37

Please, could you write an article in knowledge base.

What in particular I have to mention there? I can say how it work but how it will help others to do something?

It simple store 0,1,2,3,4,5. Then we set CRON once a minut. And cron select all notification who subscribed = 1 once a minut. 2 once a week, ...

Total posts: 13,748
11 Авг 2012 06:38

BTW Cron code is available in controller/cron.php controller

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Авг 2012 15:01

Please, could you add a direct email sending WITHOUT CRON for very small websites or at least for developing on MAMP/XAMP etc.?

I don´t want to fiddle around with terminal stuff. You know, its not "Gefrickel-free".

I also found this post, maybe an alternative?!

Total posts: 13,748
15 Авг 2012 18:50

Please, could you add a direct email sending WITHOUT CRON for very small websites or at least for developing on MAMP/XAMP etc.?

How do I detect that it is xamp or mamp?

Total posts: 13,748
15 Авг 2012 21:05
include_once dirname(__FILE__).DS.'controllers'.DS.'cron.php';

$cron = new CobaltControllerCron();


Insert it at the bottom of cobalt.php file in com_cobalt root.

in controller/cron.php change

private function _sendDaijest($type)


public function _sendDaijest($type)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Авг 2012 10:37

I have still a little concern about the displayed user options. I mean, if Emails are set to OFF in section parameters... it does not influence the modal options window content.

I guess, if users can see and change the Email Schedule... they expect to get an Alert according to their selection.

But they never know, that this option has no effect, they do not know that the Email Alerts might be OFF.

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