06 Дек 2012 11:55


Audio Field v7.3 works fine in IE 9 but fails in Firefox and chrome producing the following error in Firebug.

"NetworkError: 403 Forbidden - http://xxx.xxxx.com/txxt-suxxn?task=files.upload& ;no_html=1&section_id=1&record_id=0&type_id=1&field_id=12&key=675e62a17378200ab2e2351e0d1552d1&hae6fiwz"

Switching the audio field upload method from auto to HTML4 resolves the issue across all browsers. It seems to be a bug in the HTML5 code.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
06 Дек 2012 19:30

it should be http://xxx.xxxx.com/index.php or txxt-suxxn is the subfolder?

07 Дек 2012 08:37

No txxt-suxxn is not the sub folder.

Its the name of the menu item that is the section records list. It is also listed in the properties of the content type.

http://www.xxxx.com/talent-submission?task=files.upload& ;no_html=1&section_id=1&record_id=0&type_id=1&field_id=12amp;key=675e62a17378200ab2e2351e0d1552d1&hafezkkb

I will email you in case you need to login.

07 Дек 2012 10:14

Скрытый текст

Total posts: 13,748
08 Дек 2012 22:05

I have fixed it in upcoming version.


I could not see upload field in the form until I turned off wedgetkit. It loads jQuery without noConflict() mode.


If you do not want to wait till new update released open com_cobalt/library/php/html/mrelements.php and in line 58

action: '".JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_cobalt&task=files.upload&no_html=1&section_id=".JRequest::getInt('section_id')."&record_id=".JRequest::getInt('id')."&type_id=".JRequest::getInt('type_id')."&field_id={$field_id}&key=".md5($name))."',

replace with

action: '".JURI::root()."index.php?option=com_cobalt&task=files.upload&no_html=1&section_id=".JRequest::getInt('section_id')."&record_id=".JRequest::getInt('id')."&type_id=".JRequest::getInt('type_id')."&field_id={$field_id}&key=".md5($name)."',

Total posts: 13,748
08 Дек 2012 22:08

In the exaplle code § is actaly a '& s e c' without whitespaces. Better I attache whole file. Rename to .php

10 Дек 2012 09:19

I renamed and uploaded the file. It still does not seem to work. FireFox 17.0.1 Chrome Version 23.0.1271.95 m

Total posts: 13,748
10 Дек 2012 21:01

Please make sure all files and folders are reseted to be owned by FTP user and FTP settings are enabled in Joomla global admin.

I believe it is file/folder permissions problem.

12 Дек 2012 18:22

FTP settings are enabled in Joomla.

Скрытый текст

Thank you so much.

12 Дек 2012 22:06

Here is the error I get.

Скрытый текст

I dont think it can be a permission issue since it works fine in IE. Just doesnt work in FireFox 17.0.1 Chrome Version 23.0.1271.95 m

Thanks for the help.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Дек 2012 23:12

I dont think it can be a permission issue since it works fine in IE. Just doesnt work in FireFox 17.0.1 Chrome Version 23.0.1271.95 m

Usually it is vice versa. Works in Chrom and FF but does not work in IE :D


Total posts: 1,113
13 Дек 2012 03:52

I set uploaded method - flash, and it works. I think it would be a solution for you.

Total posts: 13,748
13 Дек 2012 23:08

Is this a problem only with the audio up-loader?

This is interesting question. Can you create simple upload field and test?

Total posts: 1,113
14 Дек 2012 02:00

We find a error and fix this, please check uploading.

17 Дек 2012 11:14

Uploading seems to be working fine now across all browsers. Thank you! I looked for what may be the cause myself, but was unable to find it. Would you please let me know exactly what you fixed and where? Thank you so much.

17 Дек 2012 12:25

Also are the changes included in?

Package - Cobalt 7 - v. 7.9657 Stable

Mint - Media pack - v. 7.7 Stable

IP to country database - Stable

If so then a new download and install would work fine correct?

Total posts: 13,748
17 Дек 2012 14:57

If so then a new download and install would work fine correct?

Yes it will work fine. Unfortunately with flow of changes of files we cannot track in what particular file, this particular problem was fixed.

17 Дек 2012 23:32

OK I made a backup of the working site. Decided to reinstall the cobalt 7 packages listed above. The html 5 upload did not work after the reinstall today. So something in the cobalt 7 package has not been updated. I reinstalled my working backup to my site to get the upload working again.

@ kudinov.k can you perhaps tell me what fix you did to get it working 4 days ago, or use GIT to compare the files as they are now on my site (working) vs how they are after you reinstall the cobalt 7 package (not working)so we can track down the fix.

If we do not know what the issue was, my fear is when I need to go to cobalt 8 or another update that the site will break again.


Total posts: 1,113
17 Дек 2012 23:58

This fix will be include in the next release.

We add line

'Content-type': 'multipart/mixed'

in MooUpload.js

var xhr = new Request({ url: action, urlEncoded: false, method:'post', noCache: true, data:{'width': 200}, headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'X-File-Name': file.name, 'X-File-Size': file.size, 'X-File-Id': file_id, 'X-File-Resume': resume, 'Content-type': 'multipart/mixed' }

18 Дек 2012 08:36

PERFECT. Thank you guys so much. This is SOLVED.

18 Дек 2012 09:53

Ahhhhh......... I KNEW it had to do withe the headers!!!!

Работает на Cobalt