24 Сен 2012 06:58

How (or where) I can change the background color and font in the description that appears after selection a word from the glossary?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
24 Сен 2012 07:58

There are settings in plugin.

If not you wil have to edit plugin manually.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Сен 2012 09:00

Your glossary link can be styled with inline CSS in your glossary plugin parameters.

OR you can simply use and override the CSS in your template.css


The link will have the following markup for example:

<span class="glossary hasTip" title="">YourTestGlossaryTermHere</span>

So, just style the .glossary SPAN to your liking.



Sample output in BEEZ20 template:

<div class="tip-wrap" style="position: absolute; left: 1073px; top: 433px; display: none; "><div class="tip-top"></div><div class="tip"><div class="tip-title">YourTestGlossaryTermHere</div><div class="tip-text">a simple sample textarea placeholder.</div></div><div class="tip-bottom"></div></div>

tooltip CSS classes you will have to customize:

.tip-wrap { }

.tip-top { }

.tip { }

.tip-title { }

.tip-text { }

.tip-bottom { }

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