18 Сен 2012 16:54

Hi, is it possible to search in OR (any value) in field options? Both in single and multiple select field type?



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
18 Сен 2012 20:09

you mean you want co connect different filters with OR but not with AND?

Total posts: 13,748
19 Сен 2012 04:39

There is not option for that. Every search configured most intuitive way. So it behave like you are expecting it to behave.

You can use checlbox filter style. It uses OR on the values. But different fields always connected with AND

Total posts: 13,748
19 Сен 2012 06:37

for values, are they always searched in OR and never in AND?

Yes. Because it is as multiple as single value fields like checkbox, radiobutton, select, multiple select, listautocomplete. You cannot look with AND because it will simple return nothing in most of the cases. Let's say you have text field called Year. And there is checkbox search. It is just imposible o finad any records that has at the same more than one value. So it is AND.

for values, are they always searched in OR and never in AND?

I am trying to understand if it is possibile to have OR on some fields and AND on others

And I am trying to understand do you mean OR or AND within one field oк between fields? For example you have field year and milage. You are talking about

  1. Find year 2010 OR less than 100 000 milage

  2. Find year 2010 OR 2011 AND milage less than 100 000

I mean you are talking about AND/OR that connect different field or different field values?

Total posts: 13,748
19 Сен 2012 08:49

Now I see. SO you want to set OR for single value fields and AND for multiple value fields.

Right now there is no parameter. But you can achieve it by creating different fields.

(brand = audi OR brand = BMW) - one field. Because inside the field we always use OR.

(airbag = 1) AND (AC = 1) - is a 2 different (boolean) field with yes/no.

Then it works like you want

If you make AC, airbag, sunroof, ... all one field like checkbox then they will be connected with OR

(option = airbag OR option = AC)

So you can create fields for important search criteria and one fired for the rest.

PS. But I agree that parameter to search with all selected values or with any selected value is good. And we ma implement it in Cobalt 8.

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