23 Авг 2012 03:44


is it possible with Cobalt 7 to make PDF files of the content?

I want to realize a special calendar with your component and need PDF reports of all daily appointments.

Thanks an kind regards


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
23 Авг 2012 05:08

There is nothing built in. But there are any online services that convert paged to PDF. You can connect any of them on the level of template. It will be just a link that will open article as PDF. You will only have to add to article url tmpl=component and it will generate only article without Joomla modules.

But those services usually paid.

That is because there is not good conversion solution. Usually good converters are Windows server based services that are using Microsoft library to convert HTML to PDF. Php cannot do it good.

Total posts: 22
23 Авг 2012 05:28

Also just noticed that pdf icon is gone in Joomla2.5...

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