21 Фев 2018 14:47

Hi there, I'm new to Cobalt 8, but already I am liking it a lot.

I'm having an issue with copying templates. I have been following the online guide http://docs.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt/custom-templates-general When I go into the Template Manager, make a copy of the blog template in a Section (and give it a new name), I then go back and edit the Section by selecting the new template. Now when I go into the front end, it looks different to before. This is confirmed when I go back into the Section and open the blog template, I can see that there are a different set of options that have been selected. How can this happen by simply making a copy via the Template Manager? Is there some kind of corruption taking place?

Secondly, perhaps you can advise where the template files are located on my computer so that I can perhaps edit these via an editor (I am using a local installation using an XAMPP server).

Many thanks, Bob

Последние изменения: 04 Март 2018

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
21 Фев 2018 15:23

Here you can find locations of templates http://docs.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt/custom-templates-general#4-find-your-template-files

Cobalt is not easy extension like K2 or Zoo and it needs time to learn, it may take some weeks to learn most features, but it cost time which it needs to get in, because it is much powerfull. I was also like you when I started using it.

About template parameter changes. So there are some different tempaltes in list view so maybe you ahve copied for example blog template but before there was set default template? At first just set all templates one by one for list view to see how looks each one, and then decide which one do you want to copy and then edit it. If you want to create custom templates read everything in documentation, it will help you much.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Фев 2018 15:56

Guest I then go back and edit the Section by selecting the new template. Now when I go into the front end, it looks different to before. This is confirmed when I go back into the Section and open the blog template, I can see that there are a different set of options that have been selected. How can this happen by simply making a copy via the Template Manager? Is there some kind of corruption taking place?

Each template saves his own settings in a respective JSON file. Always make sure to enter the template's settings and save them once.
Also hence the default template parameter. Also remember to check the frontend template "switcher": Are you really looking at the correct template? BTW, frontend templates are stored in user-session... if you switch from guest to registerd, or another user account... the template might change, too.

Hope this helps.

21 Фев 2018 15:58

Giorgi625 Here you can find locations of templates http://docs.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt/custom-templates-general#4-find-your-template-files

Cobalt is not easy extension like K2 or Zoo and it needs time to learn, it may take some weeks to learn most features, but it cost time which it needs to get in, because it is much powerfull. I was also like you when I started using it.

About template parameter changes. So there are some different tempaltes in list view so maybe you ahve copied for example blog template but before there was set default template? At first just set all templates one by one for list view to see how looks each one, and then decide which one do you want to copy and then edit it. If you want to create custom templates read everything in documentation, it will help you much.

Thanks much Giorgi, I started with the delivered 'blog' template and made some changes to it from the Administrator. Afterwards I copied it and renamed it using the Template Manager. In this situation my expectation was that the new template would behave identically to the version I copied. So, I think you are telling me that a better way is to copy the original template and then fine tune it from the Administrator account to get what I need. That's OK.

Thanks again for your time. Regards, Bob

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
21 Фев 2018 16:59

Guest Thanks much Giorgi, I started with the delivered 'blog' template and made some changes to it from the Administrator. Afterwards I copied it and renamed it using the Template Manager. In this situation my expectation was that the new template would behave identically to the version I copied. So, I think you are telling me that a better way is to copy the original template and then fine tune it from the Administrator account to get what I need. That's OK.

Thanks again for your time. Regards, Bob

Yes first copy and then make changes in setting as Pepperstreet mentioned above, also be carefull, if you use BS3 template on joomla Cobalt templates will not fully compatible with them, so you will need to make own template, but anyway it will not guarantee 100% working solution, because there are some features which are called from Cobalt library files using BS2 structure so it will not work good on BS3 templates.

I am using BS3 tempalte of Joomlart and Joomshaper and made many changes but yet there are some problems so recommend to select BS2 template if you don't want to waste time on solving compatibility problems.

21 Фев 2018 17:12

Many thanks both! Regards, Bob

Total posts: 13,748
04 Март 2018 13:26

When template is coppied I cannot copy configuration file that comes along, becuase every configuration file is create with uniquie key with is create when you open section parameters. that is because you can set the same template to different sections. So configuration file for every section have to be different. So I have to know what section template is created for before I can create configuration file.

Sorry if it does not make a lot of sense.

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