04 Июнь 2017 12:09

Hi I want to transfer my cobalt audio files to other system and I need the original filenames. How can I get my audio files back with normal filenames? I have more than 1000 files so i don't want to download one by one. Thanks

Последние изменения: 18 Июнь 2017

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
05 Июнь 2017 03:13

The column 'realname' of table #__js_res_files holds the original file name of the uploaded audio file. There are several ways to get the files back with the original name (rename them on the server, transfer server to server etc ..). It all depends on how you will import them into your other system.

Just curious, what made you change the system?

Total posts: 35
06 Июнь 2017 14:44

Thanks for your answer. Sadly I don't know how work is it but at least I can save both filenames into a list.

Just curious, what made you change the system?

  • Joomla custom fields (changed circumtenses which cause i don't need so complete cck like Cobalt)
  • I bought lot of Cobalt stuff (despite of the price here in my country count very expensive) but as I see Sergey don't care about this project anymore (I can't imagine a programmer can't live from his work. It is one of the best respect and well paid job.)
  • I use cobalt now only one non-commerical religious website and soon I will give it to others to continoue this project and I don't want to give it so extensions and plugins which have a chance to close it soon.

Have a nice day!

ps. I think too: it's the best cck and wish a nicer future to it...

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
06 Июнь 2017 16:07

hello > Minti

Joomla custom fields (changed circumtenses which cause i don't need so complete cck like Cobalt)

i can understand if you do basic website but if in future you think yo move to a bigger project you should considerate to use a complex cck because currently Joomla without addons can not fight and win againts Wordpress and his tool (visual compose, advanced custom, etc)

  • I bought lot of Cobalt stuff (despite of the price here in my country count very expensive) but as I see Sergey don't care about this project anymore (I can't imagine a programmer can't live from his work. It is one of the best respect and well paid job.)
  • I use cobalt now only one non-commerical religious website and soon I will give it to others to continoue this project and I don't want to give it so extensions and plugins which have a chance to close it soon.

i think Sergey has personal reason, but now many things are changing, CCK business in JOOMLA is very hard, K2 is not very supported even for support (check forum), Zoo the same because ZOOLANDER are building a fork because of that, SEBLOD (french) are big business oriented? ONLY flexicontent is very supported. i think we can do something amazing with cobalt

  • I use cobalt now only one non-commerical religious website and soon I will give it to others to continoue this project and I don't want to give it so extensions and plugins which have a chance to close it soon.

Many plugins and components stop to be supported (NDLR: HWD MEDIA SHARE for example) but I know Sergey is a very good programmer and his always support his baby, and maybe he should find another business model (like membership subscription)


clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
06 Июнь 2017 16:08

it seems i have error when i edit comment thanks

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
06 Июнь 2017 18:38

Minti Thanks for your answer. Sadly I don't know how work is it but at least I can save both filenames into a list.


creating a list is one way to solve your problem.

If you want to download your files to your computer or another server under the "real name", you can use the "wget" tool. Create a list with the realname first and then the path to your file. Add "wget -O" in front and copy your list into the command line. it will download your files now to your directory. If your original file name has spaces in it, use a double quote around (") it.

Example: wget -O "My Song.mp3" http://www.mydomain.com/uploads/songs/2012-04-24/1335229200_43f6675726c0a58f0fd25343f9f58a06.mp3

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
06 Июнь 2017 19:07


you can use a SQL query to create your full list:

CONCAT("wget -O '", realname, "'  http://mydomain.com/uploads/specific_subfolder/ ", fullpath) AS Song
WHERE section_id=8

Replace "mydomain.com" with your domain name, "specific_subfolder" with the value from your audio field parameters (default="audio"), "hsb0a" with your table prefix and the section_id from your section. I just used "8" as a demo.

This should give you a list. Copy the list (or just some lines at a time) into the command line.

If you are on Windows check this article.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
06 Июнь 2017 19:13

The editor inserted a Space. please remove it in your final script. test3

As reported by clowride, there is an error, when editing a posting ....

Total posts: 35
07 Июнь 2017 11:31

Sackgesicht SELECT CONCAT("wget -O '", realname, "' http://mydomain.com/uploads/specific_subfolder/ ", fullpath) AS Song FROM hsb0a_js_res_files WHERE section_id=8

Thank you for your answer I try it but got 404 error:

Image 1

Image 1

Total posts: 35
07 Июнь 2017 11:33

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Июнь 2017 13:38


please follow exact the instructions.

1) Get your domain name (www.refbudaors.hu)

2) In cobalt configuration, get your upload directory:


3) in your audio file configuration, get the "specific subfolder"


3) combine the 3 parts --> http://refbudaors.hu/uploads/audio/

4) add now the content of column "FULLPATH" to it (NOT filename) ... example: 2012-04-24/1335229200_43f6675726c0a58f0fd25343f9f58a06.mp3

--> http://refbudaors.hu/uploads/audio/2012-04-24/1335229200_43f6675726c0a58f0fd25343f9f58a06.mp3

if you want to get a list of files with realname, ready for download use a SQL tool like phpMyAdmin with the sample SQL query above

Total posts: 35
07 Июнь 2017 19:40

Hello Sackgesicht,

Thank you for your kind help! I successful make the list from sql as you wrote, it was a big help for me. I tried the other part and follow your steps but always got 404 error. Finally I found a bit longer solution simply paired cobalt audio and original name and renamed them with Total Commander. So finally I have the files :)

Thanks again! Have a nice day!

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Июнь 2017 04:36

clowride ONLY flexicontent is very supported.

Fabrikar has a very active development after the main maaintainer gave it up to new people.

clowride maybe he should find another business model (like membership subscription)

As far as I understand, thats the current business model -- subscribe for a certain time and receive all updates and new features. But here comes the vicious circle --> no subscription without updates/enhancements ...

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