11 Июнь 2013 08:50

I don't know how difficult is to implement this, but for sure it would be an awesome feature

currently easyblog form stackideas has it and it works like this:

feature 1

in the component configuration you can set a facebook account or a facebook page where the new contents of the site will be posted automatically (the creation of a facebook application is requested)

same thing for twitter

feature 2

beyound the above also the single user can choose to connect his account witha fb or twitter account and his published contents will be posted there automatically

I guess feature 2 is a bit more complicated to develop, but even only having feature 1 would be awesome

If we have a big company/community site where users post contents everyday we could set it to update automatically our company's facebook page posting every new content which is being generated on the site

what do you think?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
11 Июнь 2013 15:43

That would be great, actually Pepper already suggested in this topic

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
12 Июнь 2013 00:43

autotweet has released a plugin for cobalt in beta version, already in package :D

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2013 04:50

I agree. This would be awesome :) Adding papper's suggestion would very nice social feature. I'll see what we can do in Cobalt 9.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Июнь 2013 18:26

FYI, foobla ObSocialSubmit has also a Cobalt add-on. It was not listed on "Extend" page, but on pricing page ... (follow link, scroll down)

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