13 Май 2013 10:15


I am trying to search answer for the use of datatime field, but can't find it. I would like to restrict users so that they can't able to select any dates which is past today. They can only select date today + future only on frontend. I am sure this is possible, but dont know how to do in datetime config.


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
13 Май 2013 21:22


by default there is no "limitation" feature on the input.

To solve this problem, you might have to modify one of the input templates and include a validation there.

Total posts: 1,113
14 Май 2013 00:50

Yes this field haven't limitations.

14 Май 2013 08:32

Thanks. I have got it working. You need to change the following code in multiple date range input field. For those who needs to change, here is the code:



 * Cobalt by MintJoomla

 * a component for Joomla! 1.7 - 2.5 CMS ( http://www.joomla.org )

 * Author Website:  http://www.mintjoomla.com/ 

 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 MintJoomla ( http://www.mintjoomla.com ). All rights reserved.

 * @license GNU/GPL  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html 


defined('_JEXEC') or die();



$format_js = '%Y-%m-%d';

if ($this->params->get('params.time', 0))

    $format_js .= ' %H:%M';


<div class="default_dates" id="field_container<?php echo $this->id;?>">

<?php if ($this->value) : ?>


    foreach($this->value as $k => $val) :

        $date = new CDate($val);

        $id = $date->format('%Y%m%d');

        $date = $this->_getFormatted($val, true);


        <div id="date<?php echo $this->id;?>-<?php echo $id;?>" class="alert alert-info">

            <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">x</a>

            <?php echo $date;?>

            <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $val;?>" name="jform[fields][<?php echo $this->id;?>][]">


    <?php endforeach;?>

<?php endif; ?>


<a href="javascript: void(0);" class="btn btn-warning" id="date_toggle<?php echo $this->id;?>">

    <img src="/<?php echo JURI::root(TRUE);?>/media/mint/icons/16/calendar-select.png" align="absmiddle" title="<?php 

echo JText::_('D_SELECTDATE');?>">

    <?php echo JText::_('D_CALENDAR');?>


<script type="text/javascript">

var start_date = new Date();

picker<?php echo $this->id;?> = new Picker.Date($('field_<?php echo $this->id;?>'), {

    toggle: $('date_toggle<?php echo $this->id;?>'),

    timePicker: <?php echo $this->params->get('params.time', 0);?>,

    columns: <?php echo $this->params->get('params.columns', 2);?>,

    positionOffset: {x: 5, y: 0},

    format: '<?php echo $this->format;?>',

    minDate: start_date,

    onSelect: function (date)


        var formatted = date.format_php(this.options.format);

        var hidden = date.format('<?php echo $format_js;?>');

        id = '<?php echo $this->id;?>-' + hidden;

        out = '<a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">x</a>' + formatted +

            '<input type="hidden" name="jform[fields][<?php echo $this->id;?>][]" value="' + hidden + '" />';

        out = '<div id="date'+ id+'" class="alert alert-info">'+out+'</div>';

        $('field_container<?php echo $this->id;?>').set('html', out);

        lastid = <?php echo $this->id;?>;




pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
14 Май 2013 09:40

BTW, wouldn't it make sense to have an optional validation for all fields? Something that can be turned on/off with pre-made validations, maybe extendable with custom script.

14 Май 2013 09:47

ya I would love to have that too. But this is something for Sergey to think of.

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