03 Май 2013 05:54

I don't know if this is a bug or just me missing something,

anyway when I am logged in and I visit a record I see "add tag" field at the bottom,

even if I have selected "no" for all tags options in type settings

and "no" alsop for all record full view template settings, I left "yes" only for "show title"

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
05 Май 2013 08:41

Same here. I removed it in a custom template, but there must be a better solution. Sergey? :S

05 Май 2013 12:26

hey Jeff,

which is exactly the code lines to be removed? I tried to remove it but that "add tag" button is still there... oh, I will find the code sooner or later, I am just asking in case you have it quickly in mind to suggest

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
05 Май 2013 22:03

Hi nican,

make a copy of /views/record/tmpl/default_record_default.php and remove or disable line 228:


Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Май 2013 22:42

Hmm .. i just switched off all the parameters as in the screenshot above and the tag field went away as expected (Record Full view) ... no changes on the template ...

Maybe you are still using an old version? Maybe the permissions were set in a way, that the update will not work?

Jeff, removing this line will not make any difference since it was commented out already -- see the //

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
07 Май 2013 23:05

Jeff, removing this line will not make any difference since it was commented out already -- see the //

Sorry for the confusion, but this line isn't commented out by default. It was an example how to disable it :)

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
07 Май 2013 23:07

Maybe you are still using an old version? Maybe the permissions were set in a way, that the update will not work?

@Sackgesicht: What version do you use?

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
07 Май 2013 23:57

Maybe you are still using an old version?

Yes you are right. Thank you for pointing that out. My custom template is still 8.36 :)

Total posts: 13,748
08 Май 2013 01:34


Total posts: 1,113
15 Май 2013 04:05

Fixed. Will be in the next release.

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