16 Апр 2013 16:43

The audio upload works great everywhere else, but on Mac in Safari I go to upload the file and it looks like its doing it. I go to save the record and it says that "this field is required" like it didn't do it. So i am not sure if it is not uploading right or if it just isn't seeing the upload somehow and failing the require validation check.

Either way ti isnt working right on Mac in Safari. Please fix.

It works fine in FF and Chrome on Mac.

Последние изменения: 27 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
16 Апр 2013 23:44

This is weird. My first test I could not upload anything. But then after i activated Firebug it works fin and I cannot reproduce the error any more.

17 Апр 2013 08:07

Yes it is indeed odd. I wish I could report more of a pattern to help find the issue. Out of 120 uploads 99% of the problems I received was Mac and Safari. I did also have 2 people on PC with IE tell me the same issue but I am unable to reproduce any problems on PC.

17 Апр 2013 17:55

Its not a max file size or post size as i can reproduce with a 1 meg file and even smaller. And I believe the real issue is limited to safari on mac as I found out the 2 pc's it failed on were due to IE 8.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Апр 2013 22:38

DO you have firebug on your safari?

18 Апр 2013 08:57

I do not. I actually don't have Mac I am PC. But I did install Safari on Windows am I am able to duplicate the same issue. On my pc I do not have firebug installed.

18 Апр 2013 09:53

Several of my users use Mac and have reported the issue to me on Safari on Mac

18 Апр 2013 11:34

When set to auto for the upload version it looks like it goes from html5, to flash, then html 4. I would think it should go html5, html4, then flash as a last result.

18 Апр 2013 12:08

This is weird. My first test I could not upload anything. But then after i activated Firebug it works fin and I cannot reproduce the error any more.

When the upload is set in auto it looks for

if(window. File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {

Safari does not on its own have FileReader and FileList so it would fail this if and in your original code wold end up on flash.

Perhaps adding Firebug adds the FileReader and FileList API thus running the html5 version and no longer having the issue.

24 Апр 2013 08:31

Can anyone provide any help on this issue. Without a working upload across different browsers it is very difficult. Thank you in advance.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Апр 2013 10:31

I have deleted all console.log through all JS files.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Апр 2013 00:29

What can we do about the HTML4 uploader only allowing 1 file

Nothing we can do. That is why it is HTML4. It will allow only one file at a time.

What can we do about the HTML4 uploader only allowing 1 file

flash uploader not working on Safari in both Mac and PC

Have to check more.

02 Май 2013 19:26

I think I may have found an issue with the flash uploader in Safari.

After a file is uploaded in chrome Firefox or IE via the HTML5 method the file is assigned a unique filename that is hidden from view. This is the filename that the file is actually stored under in the folder on the site.

In Safari this unique filename is not present upon inspection. So I believe the file is "disregarded" somehow and the form is left empty when the record is saved.

Please see these pictures as reference.

In Chrome you see the hidden ID

In Safari the ID is not present

Sergey please take a look and resolve the upload issue as this is crippling my site. Thank you in advance.

02 Май 2013 19:27

The upload issue is using the flash version Safari defaults to this when set in Auto mode.

22 Янв 2014 10:27

Bump any help on this.I really need the HTML 5 version to work in Safari on Mac and PC. I have done all the research I can to help find the problem.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Янв 2014 16:48

I have similar issues with gallery field / mooUpload.

Upload not working - pack gallery and downloads - required field alert message

01 Фев 2014 12:06

If this is using mootools it looks like it has updated and fixed the upload. We just need Sergey to get it put into this field.



Sergey can you please help with this or should I just use another cck and rebuild what I need? I begging you here.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Фев 2014 23:20

We are using customimzed mooupload package


we cannot update it. It has 30% of code changed to support titles change, descriptions, ....

12 Фев 2014 17:22

So how does the issue get fixed? Or will it never work?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Фев 2014 02:04

Unfortunately I will not be able to update it. And I will not be able to apply custom fixes too.

Total posts: 88
27 Март 2014 18:51

Safari 7 now support HTML5 uploads. My guess is Safari 6 will work too.

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