14 Апр 2013 21:39


I am not too familiar with Cobalt 8 and now are considering a use of this component. I am planning to build a map showing touristic objects (hotels, restaurants etc.) grouped by subcategories (5-star hotels, 4-star hotels, French restaurants, Chinese restaurants etc.). My question: is it possible to display on the map the marker categories (hotels, restaurants) and their subcategories, so that a visitor could switch on/off entire marker categories.


Sergei Shabalin

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
14 Апр 2013 23:58

Right now only individual marker search is working now marker group.

15 Апр 2013 07:04

This is a very interesting question!

At this time it is possible to choose a marker icon when adding a location on the map. That is perfect when you are the only person who creates content. On a site where anyone can publish content, choosing an icon marker creates only puzzle and might result in inconsistent usage of marker icons.

Designating marker icons to categories is an option for sure, but I prefer a more flexible approach where a marker icon per field value (for radio, check box or select field type) could be assigned.

Next you would select which field the map has to use to generate marker icons from in the geo-field.

So settings are required in two different field types:

    1. Add marker icons in options field
    1. Choose marker icon field in geo-field

Probably mission impossible, but hey...:D

Best regards,


Total posts: 13,748
15 Апр 2013 09:20

I agree that in some cases marker filtering is totally useless. Very hard to use. But good thing you can always switch marker filtering off.

We were thinking to use image field for example with select style from folder to create markers. But it turned out to very unpractical to make fields dependable on each other. Produce a lot of potential errors. Like for example user try to set location sooner then chose marker. And other things like this. When everything in one field it works seamlessly. May be less features but smoother workflow.

Before in mighty Resources we even had 2 different field address and set location. But it turned out that we made a good decision to combine those 2 fields together.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Апр 2013 07:37

what shall be shown on a Google map - all objects or only filtered ones?

That depends how you filter. If by category field then only this category. If by marker, then all restaurants with he same marker. In fact you can organize it as you want.

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