22 Фев 2013 07:44


Smartsearch functionality like other J! core-components would be greath to have

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Метки Cobalt 9

Total posts: 13,748
26 Фев 2013 08:23

Cobalt has smartest search ever. Before we were using LIKE but now we have fulltext index and it is generic search. It means if you enter 3 words in search and it can founds records which contain only 2. And it can search the same if you enter table or tables.

I do not know what ti improve. If you have any exact suggestions what to improve then I am open to listen.

27 Фев 2013 14:56

My idea was to show search-suggestions when user is typing. Like Google

Total posts: 13,748
28 Фев 2013 00:08

I see. This is not possible. For this we need to save search history and then lookup there. Some one already requested search history to analyse what people are looking for. I think smart-search will be possible when we add that feature.

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