12 Фев 2013 16:44

I am thinking about buying Cobalt Full, let me ask questions:

1. is the support the same like for the public or is there a ticket system?

2. is there a demo to play arround (Geo, f.ex.) before buying?

3. In the free version i see that, evenso records are saved in cobalt, nothing is there in JOOMLA CORE CONTENT (ARTICLES).

3a) can i use all plugins for Joomla also in Cobalt?

3b) can i don't use joomla frontpage OR joomla->menu->articles-Blog for the Cobalt records? Is it completely independent? I ask this because the other CCK's like F2C, P&I, Seblod let us use the power of those Core features.

**4. **Is there more documentation for paying members?

**5. **Is the license PERSITE or can i run 2 Websites in future with it?

6. Can i use custom php code in template?

**7. **Can i use JED modules which take content from JOOMLA CORE CONTENT (ARTICLES) and use them for COBALT??

Waiting for your response serge, THANKS!!

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
12 Фев 2013 22:46

1) Support is the same. But here you can post topic privately like tikets if you want.

2) Unfortunately right now there is not demo for geo field.

3a) yes you can use all Joomla plugins in Cobalt HTML field.

3b) Cobalt is totally independent. I am sorry but there is not power of core features. i mean there is no feature in the Joomla core that Cobalt do not have. It means no matter what are features of core Joomla you will get those anyway.

4) No, documentation is for everyone.

5) We do not obligate our customers for moral need to pay per domain. You buy Cobalt you use it where you want. But of course if you appreciate it very much and it saved you a lot of money, you can purchase additional subscription. But that is what you decide on your own.

6) Of course. Templates are the power of Cobalt. You can do so much in templates. If you create template copy before doing something you will not lose your changes on Cobalt update. You can read this article for more details.

7) Since Cobalt is independent you cannot use core Joomla modules but there are a lot of modules made by us and some by 3DP

13 Фев 2013 18:35

Thanks for answering Serge

2) it would be cool to have a demo that we can see before we purchase. it will increase your sales since cobalt will convince users easily.

3a) amazing

6) amazing

7) thats sad because i use alot modules like gavick news pro 4 (free), etc... i need first to see how to differ those to match Cobalt content. No idea yet, hope its easy to render a cobalt record.


Total posts: 13,748
14 Фев 2013 01:19

2) We are working on that. Cobalt can do so many things it is hard to demonstrate all the features.

gavick news pro 4 (free),

As I know Gavick is working to integrate it with Cobalt.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
14 Фев 2013 16:35

As I know Gavick is working to integrate it with Cobalt.

please can you tell me if you have an idea about release date ?

thank you :)

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