10 Фев 2013 06:28

After following these steps:

http://support.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt-8/questions/How +to+move+from+Co7+to+Co8-2918.html

I got an error on Cobalt 8 installation which says:

1060 Duplicate column name 'type_id' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jomkas_js_res_sales` ADD COLUMN `type_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

I figured out it might be because I didn't have the latest Cobalt 7 version on update. How could I have known this if it isn't **obligatory **but not in the guide? I has to be added in the description to avoid future users trapping into this. I also wonder why it is marked as "Stable" on the download page. It was the reason I decided to upgrade. Doesn't look that stable to me...

I then tried to install the latest Cobalt 7, but then I get this error:

1060 Duplicate column name 'user_id' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jomkas_js_res_types` ADD COLUMN `language` char(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '*', ADD COLUMN `user_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `form`, ADD COLUMN `asset_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `user_id`;

I need someone from the staff to log into my website and fix it ASAP. If it does not run by tomorrow I'm screwed.

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I convinced my boss yesterday of the importance of an update to the new version, so he subscribed for one year. Better not have to tell him tomorrow the installation is messed up. Front-end shows currently this error:

Warning: require_once(/www/htdocs/w00f6992/modules/mod_cobalt_notificationsDShelper.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/w00f6992/modules/mod_cobalt_notifications/mod_cobalt_notifications.php on line 12

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/www/htdocs/w00f6992/modules/mod_cobalt_notificationsDShelper.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:..') in /www/htdocs/w00f6992/modules/mod_cobalt_notifications/mod_cobalt_notifications.php on line 12

Hope someone can help. My currently installed version is 7.9603.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

10 Фев 2013 07:08

Update: I've tried the update process on my test installation of Joomla and although I had the latest Cobalt 7 running I also got the error:

1060 Duplicate column name 'type_id' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jomkas_js_res_sales` ADD COLUMN `type_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

10 Фев 2013 07:41

I tried some fixing by myself with some instructions provided here:

http://support.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt-8/questions/How +to+move+from+Co7+to+Co8-2918.html

But now I have just another error message and I don't get any further. Please help...

1060 Duplicate column name 'user_id' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jomkas_js_res_types` ADD COLUMN `language` char(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '*', ADD COLUMN `user_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `form`, ADD COLUMN `asset_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `user_id`;

Total posts: 13,748
10 Фев 2013 08:51

Now you have to copy sql update script in administrator/com-cobalt/sql/updates/8.0-******.sql

And run query by query. When one query return error move to next query.

10 Фев 2013 09:20

Although I'm have been running all queries one by one, I still get this serror when I try to install the current version of Cobalt 8:

1060 Duplicate column name 'user_id' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jomkas_js_res_types` ADD COLUMN `language` char(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '*', ADD COLUMN `user_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `form`, ADD COLUMN `asset_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `user_id`;

Should I try a manual installation with just copying over the files? I'm not far from desperate :(

10 Фев 2013 09:29

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May be you can text me on Skype (sr_2k6) for direct help.

10 Фев 2013 13:01

Solved the problem with the help of "Sackgesicht" (Thank you VERY much!). It was very troubling... but in the end it runs (at least, it seems so). What I did: Run all the scripts manually, make DB backup, delete Cobalt completely, install again, delete new tables in DB, restore tables from DB backup.

Took nearly five hours to figure out.

Работает на Cobalt