04 Фев 2013 06:57

I would like to know if it is possible to create a review system with the following points if someone could kindly tell me if it's possible:

  1. Create a Review for joomla articles. Can it be added to different articles? Pretty much like a comment system.

  2. Integration of users from jomsocial.

  3. "Save as draft" option for later.

  4. Setup moderators for each article so that all reviews are visible to him and of course the administrators but not to any registered users.

  5. The users can see their own reviews posted.

  6. Rating/Voting for each review posted: Good/bad/ugly and also, unpublished/delete

Thanks for any help :)

Последние изменения: 04 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
04 Фев 2013 08:03

1) Very possible. Please read for details of watch video.


2) Exists


3) There is hide option. It may work as draft. I mean you add article but no one see it unless you unhide it.

4) There is possibility to setup moderators. But not per article. Only per all reviews or reviews in some category if you have them categorised.

5) There will be something like user homepage where user can see all his reviews posted for all articles. Even to see all reviews of the other user. And even to follow that user to be notified when that user post new review.

6) Not only every review will have its own rating (even multi property rating) but it will also show summary rating for reviewed article.

04 Фев 2013 09:48

Thank you for the very quick reply :)

Regarding the point 3, i'm talking about "save as draft" for users reviewing the article. Could you confirm on it? thanks again.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Фев 2013 05:13

There is no such a button. But as i've mentioned you can change label for hide selector ont he form to

Sase as draft? Yes/No

But in fact with a tiny hack you can add this button.

05 Фев 2013 07:22

Great :)

Thank You so much.

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
03 Март 2014 20:55

Hi Sergey, I have also similar requirements. In my case it is ES and not JomSocial. Is it possible with ES? Also the following url does not work http://www.mintjoomla.com/downloads/item/15-plugins/154-review-or-discussion.html

Can you please tell me how can we integrate the ratings from type into cobalt comment system and get some information from users record from ES.

Here is what I need: User will do multiple rating on a record and provide the comments some user information needs to be coming from ES fields such as About Us information and user address. Can you please explain how can I do this? Another question is how did u do Quote for replying to selected comments as per your this comment system used here? the rating will be done on users whether he is good or bad etc this rating needs to be displayed with user info box which is displayed all the time on record detail page

are the above possible, if yes how?

Total posts: 13,748
04 Март 2014 05:06

The new URL is .

I'll create redirect.

brianpat Can you please tell me how can we integrate the ratings from type into cobalt comment system

Use cobalt type as comment and you wil have Cobalt rating for every comment.

brianpat User will do multiple rating on a record and provide the comments some user information needs to be coming from ES fields such as About Us information and user address. Can you please explain how can I do this?

I did not get you. What Cobalt rating hase to do with ES profile information?

brianpat Another question is how did u do Quote for replying to selected comments as per your this comment system used here?

I select part of the text I want to quote, and click small quote green button

brianpat the rating will be done on users

Cobalt cannnot rate users.

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
04 Март 2014 10:05

This is about pulling information from ES and creating records in cobalt automatically- This is what I want to achieve:

People create their profile using ES. These are the following information that ES stores: About us Address Membership Type

Now once the record is created in ES, I want a record created automatically in Cobalt with all the above information where I would like end user to rate that record.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Март 2014 15:02

I afraid this would be not possible :(

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