10 Янв 2013 21:42

In sections>MySectionName>General Parameters>Templates>Record List>Simple_List

It show the result of a checkbox field that has around 50 options. When many of them are check I end up with a very long list of









Is there a way to have the Simple_List template take on the column setting that is assigned in the field? or to assign it a column setting somewhere else?

Also the label name of this field is long so I dont see it all in the list. it is truncated IE "I can perform the...." I would rather have it wrap the label.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
10 Янв 2013 23:17

For column template you may use blog. In the settings you can set how many columns you want.

Also the label name of this field is long so I dont see it all in the list. it is truncated IE "I can perform the...." I would rather have it wrap the label.

Unfortunately we use this as universal solution. Some people have long labels some short. SO we use Twitter Bootstrap standart DT/DD list style to format. If you want to change something, right now I only can suggest you to customise template. Good we have nice article how to do it in Community Knowledge.

11 Янв 2013 12:50

This is result

This how its set

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
11 Янв 2013 13:21

If i understand you correctly, you want to display the selected checkbox results on an article list formatted in columns, right?

For this you need to create a field output template, which displays your result in the way you want it. (example a HTML table)

You will find all your selected choices in this array $this->values.

11 Янв 2013 13:31

The UL on this "area" should be set to 750px then each li should be set to float:left and given a width of 13em. I think the styles are getting overridden somewhere maybe the theme? Perhaps a custom UL class and li class to achieve the goal, but I just don't know where to put it in at.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
11 Янв 2013 13:41

As said, i believe you need a custom output template for this.

The best way to start is to copy an existing template and modify it to your liking.

You will find them under /components/com_cobalt/fields/checkbox/tmpl/output/

As of the moment there are 2 templates: default and coma.

If you get stuck along the way, i will look into it tomorrow/later (It's already 3:40 am here .. :O )

11 Янв 2013 13:50

Thank you for providing me the path to the outputs. I did not know where they were.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
11 Янв 2013 13:55

Please check this article

It contains very valuable information .. :D

Total posts: 13,748
12 Янв 2013 11:31

My bad :) when I read simple_list I thought we are talking about columns for articles not for field options.

For field output I also believe custom field output template is needed.

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