03 Янв 2013 13:09

Hi Sergey,

I don't know if this is a bug, but it looks like one. This is the scenario:

  1. I vote as guest from frontend.

  2. I reset the votes from backend.

  3. I want to vote again as guest from frontend, but the voting is not "active" anymore for the same record.

I presume that when I reset the votes, people are able to use the voting again, without letting the expiration time come in action. Do you understand what I mean?

Thank you,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
03 Янв 2013 21:13

Yes I understand.

But unfortunately votes reset may reset only session and cookies on your lokal machine. It cannot reset cookies on computers of people who had already voted. So they won't be able to vote again unless cookies cleaned.

Also it works little different for publics. Much stricter check for fraud.

03 Янв 2013 23:43

I understand. Indeed, this "problem" happened to me while doing some tests, but in the real world it shouldn't happen. Thanks!

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