Total posts: 88
28 Май 2014 00:42

Google webmaster tools somehow came upon this link when its bot crawled my site. It reports the following error:

Error: 0

Invalid controller: name='files', format=''

Any ideas? I can not find a way to get here other then the link that I found in Google webmaster tools.

Link is provided in the access credentials

Total posts: 13,748
28 Май 2014 05:24

Why should this link to work at all. This is link that is used by Ajax request. I have no idea how Google got that link. May be parsed Javascript file. You have to exclude all URLs that contain task parameter in Google Webmaster Tools.

Total posts: 88
28 Май 2014 13:48

OK great. I will do. I just wanted to make you aware of it incase it pointed to an issue. I will exclude the task param in Google Webmaster tools. Thank you for the info.

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