Total posts: 88
14 Май 2014 17:06

Is there a setting to hide the green plus and post title without modifiing the code? My users post their one post at the same time as register so this is not needed.

Thanks in advance. plus

Последние изменения: 01 Июнь 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
14 Май 2014 22:47

You want to hide the complete button? Or modify it?

Almost anything can be changed and configured in section "MarkUp" template:

Go to -> YourSection -> General Parameters -> Templates -> MarkUp layout -> edit button (defaut) -> see tab "Section Menu"
-> Menu Elements...

Bildschirmfoto 2014-05-15 um 00.27.11

There are 2 options regarding the display of the post button/links:

A.) New records (hide links across the whole section incl. sub-categories and user's homepage)
B.) New record on section home (hides only on section's homepage)

You can select any available J! ACL that suits your needs.
"no one" or "special" should hide it for registered users in your case.

Total posts: 88
30 Май 2014 17:40

Wonderful. Absolutely perfect! I figured there was a way, just had to find the setting. I love Cobalt because of its many options, but I love the community and users like you for helping so many be able to put it all good use. Thank you so much for taking the time to help.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 Май 2014 19:39

justanotherguy I love the community and users like you for helping so many be able to put it all good use. Thank you so much for taking the time to help

And I like people like you... happy and satisfied with the product. You are welcome!

Total posts: 13,748
01 Июнь 2014 23:40

pepperstreet And I like people like you... happy and satisfied with the product.

Me too :))

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