Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
15 Дек 2013 12:36

I translate into Polish these 2 files:



Now I have e-mail in English:

"Your subscription has been published"

Where is the file with this entry?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 1,113
16 Дек 2013 03:20

GENERAL_ALERT_ACTIVATE_SUBJ in en-GB.com_emerald.ini file.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
16 Дек 2013 16:26


I see this entry in en-GB.com_emerald.ini, but Emerald don't use this entry.

I know this is true, becaues in en-GB.com_emerald.ini entry appears as follow:

GENERAL_ALERT_DEACTIVATE_SUBJ="Subscription has been deactivated on [SITE_NAME]"

but I receive e-mail:

Your subscription "Wizytówka PREMIUM" has been unpublished. If you think it should not be please contact us by this email Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. document.getElementById('cloakd7a71649cc21a243c46bfc6605ecb9da').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addyd7a71649cc21a243c46bfc6605ecb9da = 'you' + '@'; addyd7a71649cc21a243c46bfc6605ecb9da = addyd7a71649cc21a243c46bfc6605ecb9da + 'email' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_textd7a71649cc21a243c46bfc6605ecb9da = 'you' + '@' + 'email' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloakd7a71649cc21a243c46bfc6605ecb9da').innerHTML += ''+addy_textd7a71649cc21a243c46bfc6605ecb9da+''; and describe your thoughts carefully. We will investigate this issue.

So, why are they such differences?

I translate this file into Polish and replace en-GB.com_emerald.ini and these 2 entries are in English.

Please, help me with this.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Дек 2013 23:00

_SUBJ means subject. The email body is right under without _SUBJ postfix.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
17 Дек 2013 12:36

Ok. I need information, which file contains this entry:

Your subscription "Wizytówka PREMIUM" has been unpublished. If you think it should not be please contact us by this email Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. document.getElementById('cloak704cbd74a17356c5c571a7879f42021a').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy704cbd74a17356c5c571a7879f42021a = 'you' + '@'; addy704cbd74a17356c5c571a7879f42021a = addy704cbd74a17356c5c571a7879f42021a + 'email' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_text704cbd74a17356c5c571a7879f42021a = 'you' + '@' + 'email' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak704cbd74a17356c5c571a7879f42021a').innerHTML += ''+addy_text704cbd74a17356c5c571a7879f42021a+''; and describe your thoughts carefully. We will investigate this issue.

This is very important to me, because my clients don't understand English.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Дек 2013 01:35


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