clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
30 Авг 2016 16:33

Hello where to purchase the new emerald please ? thanks

Последние изменения: 28 Окт 2016

Total posts: 13,748
02 Сен 2016 07:31

Why? It is even free now in the group. But actualy ready for release.

Total posts: 4
16 Окт 2016 22:35

When is Emarald 10 to be released?



Total posts: 4
18 Окт 2016 20:11

Can someone please explain to me what happen with the Cobalt and Emerald projects? I get the idea that they have all but been abandoned. Is there no longer any development for them?

Sincerely, Chris

Total posts: 13,748
20 Окт 2016 11:53

There is. But not as active as used to be. Emerald 10 is ready. I'll try to find some time to make a release.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Окт 2016 09:49

Emerald 10 is ok right now. It is still free to download through Skype group. I just have no time to put everything togather to realease it. But I think you can use it already.

Total posts: 4
27 Окт 2016 20:35

I will have to wait until it has some documentation, list of features, etc.

Is your software free now?

How do I access the Skype group?



Total posts: 13,748
28 Окт 2016 03:04

gmedia I will have to wait until it has some documentation, list of features, etc.

There is no new documentation. Ther is only one big thing added - additional fields. All the rest is the same with tiny improvements.

gmedia Is your software free now?

For now while it is in beta

gmedia How do I access the Skype group?

Работает на Cobalt