clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
05 Июль 2012 03:02


i tried seblod for a project and it is very very powerful, i like it, i think cobalt 8 should have some features like duplicate field in form, typo , act


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

05 Июль 2012 09:37

Cobalt has some kind of these features: you can copy whole types and sections. Perhaps Seblod is more easier to coloborate with?

Total posts: 13,748
05 Июль 2012 22:08

PLease if it is not hard create a specific features list you like with small explanations what they are doing. Do not be sort. If you really want Cobalt 8 have something of those, take at least small effort to investigate and create nicely detailed report.

The posts like this sounds more like

"I try Seblod and it is powerful. Can you make Cobalt powerful too?"

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
06 Июль 2012 04:28

but cobalt is powerfull too !!! and currently i prefer cobalt

i'm working on feature list

Total posts: 13,748
06 Июль 2012 05:04

This is not because of offense that you told that seblod is powerful. I am ok with it. I know it is also mature extension and has its strong sides. I do not mind if our customers use it or K2 or ZOO along the line. I even happy if they do it. Because they can compare and share what elce we have to add to make Cobalt perfect.

The reason is because your post in not informative. Id does not help us to make Cobalt better. If you would list features that you like n Seblod and miss in Cobalt with short descriptions, the we would have a chance to improve.

20 Июль 2012 10:35

Thanks Sergey..

Invention is "10% inspiration, 90% perspiration", Thomas Edison.

Attitude and persistence largely determine success. Thanks for the great work and attitude.

I just downloaded Cobalt ... not so much because of what it can do but because of the attitude of people like yourself that develop and support it. I want something that will keep evolving and improving and is invigorating it with the best ideas rather than defensive and shy about embracing competition.

Seblod is powerful and well thought out. However, there weakness is in documentation... if people can't easily use something it won't do well in the long run. And if some other group builds similar or better 'mouse trap' while making it easier to use through design, collaboration of users/blogs and customer/community support, it will get used. Call it the 'iPhone principle'... it looks simple but takes hard work and an open mind to deliver it.

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