clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
15 Сен 2013 06:55


with text search field in module filter, i 'am trying to add INSIDE the field "looking for something" any idea how can i do that please

thank you very much

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Сен 2013 17:25

Go to:


You should make a copy of:


Rename it to something like:


Open in your favorite text/code editor.

Look around line# 41.

There you will find the general search input field with name="filter_search".

Simply add "placeholder" attribute, like it is used in markup-template, too.

Original line:

<input type="text" class="span12" name="filter_search" value="<?php echo $state->get('');?>" />

Replace with:

<input type="text" placeholder="<?php echo JText::_('CSEARCHPLACEHOLDER');?>" class="span12" name="filter_search" value="<?php echo $state->get('');?>" />

Frontend result:


CSEARCHPLACEHOLDER is the sample language constant from markup-template. You might use your own constant e.g. :


Then you can use Joomla language override manager to create independent terms and translations.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Сен 2013 17:26

@Sergey / MintJoomla

I suggest to add this attribute and respective language constants in future releases. Thanks in advance.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
17 Сен 2013 00:47

Go to:


You should make a copy of:


Rename it to something like:


Open in your favorite text/code editor.

Look around line# 41.

There you will find the general search input field with name="filter_search".

Simply add "placeholder" attribute, like it is used in markup-template, too.

Original line:

< input type="text" class="span12" name="filter_search" value="get('');?>" />

Replace with:

< input type="text" placeholder="" class="span12" name="filter_search" value="get('');?>" />

Frontend result:


CSEARCHPLACEHOLDER is the sample language constant from markup-template. You might use your own constant e.g. :


Then you can use Joomla language override manager to create independent terms and translations.


By pepperstreet Today

Do not forget to select your copy in module parameters! Tab -> Options -> Alternative Layout parameter

Thank you very much :)

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