Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
23 Май 2017 21:03

Joomla 3.7.2, `php 7.0.19, Cobalt 8.740

Undefined offset: 0 in /components/com_cobalt/fields/gallery/gallery.php on line 301

Последние изменения: 25 Май 2017

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Май 2017 22:59

Hello, could not re-create the error. (same versions, except for PHP 7.0.8)
Where and how did you get it?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
24 Май 2017 00:56

Opening a record in article full view ...

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
24 Май 2017 12:28

Same versions (Gallery V8.87), no issues here...

Total posts: 13,748
25 Май 2017 08:27

Acording to code it is hard to say a reason. It can be.

  • File deleted but still listed in record
  • Access permisions to file
  • Junk data for file path
  • Bad picture file format

In other words it cannot get image size

I can recommend to switch to another gallery style tepmlate. Automatic file size calculation only in Auto mode.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
25 Май 2017 08:40

It just changed with the new version 8.740/J3.7.2 ...

But ignore it, I unmounted the "uploads" folder, after mounting it back, it is ok. It just did not happen before ... consider it solved.

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