Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Янв 2013 21:42

A possible enhancement can be a "report article" feature.

A user (public/registered/special) can report an article to an admin/moderator.

This feature is used normally in bulletin boards etc.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Янв 2013 05:29

Yes, a-must-have feature, IMHO. Something I had in mind in this older topic about "multiple favorites and bookmarks". Bookmarking or customizable "flags" would be a great feature. (Noticed something like this in CMS Drupal -> flags module)

Just some quick alternative ideas:

  • What about using "Status" field ... AFAIK, it does trigger notification messages.
  • What about "Mail" field. Remember it from Resources, where i used it to notify the author. Should be possible to send a simple mail to admins...

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
09 Янв 2013 05:47


What i tried to explain is more on a template functionality than a field.

  • User posting offending articles etc .. with a report button, the admin can be informed about it
  • Wrong posting (maybe in wrong category, etc)

It should be for users to "report" articles and not editing articles (field).

Options could be "Who can report? (Public / Registered/ Special", "Who will receive notifications? (Admin/Moderators..)"

Total posts: 13,748
09 Янв 2013 10:15

I believe that field mail is for that.

  1. Do not allow enter email.

  2. Set to sent to custom email

  3. Enter email of person or moderator who is responsible.

  4. In subject parameter enter subjects like

This topic is insulting

This topic is not actual


  1. Set subjects to be only entered. SO it will be dropdown list.

  2. Set button label "Report"

  3. Turn off message body, name, email, ... Everything. Only select subject. Or if you want tuser to enter short message you can allow body.

What do you think?

04 Сен 2013 03:24


This seems like an OK solution, but it's not too good for managing a lot of 'reports' for a large website.

I would like to see something like the 'thumbs up' votes on this forum as a field.

Then say, users can report by a click. The more clicks by more users would then identify any major problems quickly.

Admin could then login and sort records by number of votes, and thus tackle the more problem ones first.

There should also be an option to clear all reports for a record, when it has been fixed.

How does this sound? ;-)


05 Сен 2013 04:25

Thank you pepperstreet.

Looks like a great solution, sadly not free though, but hey, it's probably worth the money!


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