Total posts: 20
25 Апр 2012 04:20

To create link to some Cobalt category you should process the following steps:

  • Go to your category in front-end and copy it address link into buffer

  • In the back-end go to Menus -> Add new menu item. Select Menu Item Type as External URL and paste your category url into **Link **field.

Please check that link address begins with index.php

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

30 Апр 2012 09:24

It works fine, but ...

Only the section menu item is highlighted, not the category (external URL) menu item.

For example, I have an 'Asia' section and a 'Kyrgyzstan' category.

I create an item menu (section record list) for 'Asia' section

and another item menu (external URL) for 'Kyrgyzstan' category.

When I click on 'Kyrgyzstan' menu item, I get 'Kyrgyzstan' category.

But when I check the menu line, 'Asia' is highlighted, not 'Kyrgyzstan' :

And if I want to create another menu item with 'Menu Item Alias' linked to 'Menu Item' 'Kyrgyzstan', it doesn't work. The menu item is created, but when I click on it, I get an #404 error message.

Is there a solution ?


01 Май 2012 01:53

But when I check the menu line, 'Asia' is highlighted, not 'Kyrgyzstan' :

But when I check the menu line, 'Asia' is highlighted, not 'Kyrgyzstan' :

And if I want to create another menu item with 'Menu Item Alias' linked to 'Menu Item' 'Kyrgyzstan', it doesn't work. The menu item is created, but when I click on it, I get an #404 error message.

Every Cobalt category or section has its own id. You just need specify right id. For example, Asia has id=1, Kyrgyzstan has id=2.

Then links will be look like:

Asia http://yoursitename/index.php?option=com_cobalt& ;view=records&section_id=1

Kyrgyzstan http://yoursitename/index.php?option=com_cobalt& ;view=records&section_id=2

If you get 404 error it means that something was set wrong.

If you mean module breadcrumbs then specify it as it is module of Joomla.

01 Май 2012 05:12

It was my mistake. The right link should look like

Kyrgyzstan[id of the section]&CatId=[x]

x can be viewed in the link without sef in the index of the section on the front-end.

If it doesn`t help please provide access to your site to let us look and create link

01 Май 2012 05:32

It doesn't work.

I give you access to my test site :

Скрытый текст

User Name : admin

Password : test

01 Май 2012 06:33

Ok. I was at the site and tested all links from the categories:

All of the are working.

Could you specify what link doesn`t work?

01 Май 2012 23:09

I used the links you have created. They are right and workable. I added content because there weren`t any articles.

The links shows different content. Subcategory shows only one article and the section shows all articles.

but the content is always the same (= section content and not category content).

It could happen because of the SEF. During the test I turned off SH404sef

09 Авг 2012 21:40


I tried even with SEF deactivated yet all my recordIDs are 111 and I can't get the link to a sub-category to load right. I'm trying to have modules listed only on certain menus (as I haven't yet figured out if I can use shortcodes for a plugin inside the category description box or not).

10 Авг 2012 09:21

Any suggestions, please?

Total posts: 22
14 Авг 2012 22:55


I tried even with SEF deactivated yet all my recordIDs are 111

every record has different ID, and they should not have the same ID.

Could you give us temporary access to your site,please?

16 Авг 2012 06:16


Скрытый текст

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Авг 2012 22:18

For better user experience, I think Cobalt Record List MenuItem should offer a Sub-Category selection! Though I worked with the URL solution in different situations and in other components... I don´t think this is a good situation, since Cobalt is stable. No good customer experience, IMHO.

J! core has the same feature (but with a multi-select). Users expect to see a similar behavior, because, they know about the multiple category structure. Cobalt just needs a single select! Its not meant for display restrictions... it should just assign a certain category and create an ItemID.

17 Авг 2012 03:54

I agree

Total posts: 22
20 Авг 2012 00:30

For instance, ;view=records&section_id=1:client-1&cat_id=2:machine-1 points me to ;view=records&section_id=1:client-1&cat_id=2:machine-1&Itemid=111 all the time - and if I link to it in a menu item I still get thrown in the section lists,not the individual category which is where I need to be

This means that this category(machine1) is inheriting Itemid from the parent section's(client1) Itemid:

and section client1 itemid target is "Client 1" which means a menu item with the id 111:

and here is the menu client 1 with id 111:

For instance, ;view=records&section_id=1:client-1&cat_id=2:machine-1 points me to ;view=records&section_id=1:client-1&cat_id=2:machine-1&Itemid=111 all the time - and if I link to it in a menu item I still get thrown in the section lists,not the individual category which is where I need to be

not the individual category which is where I need to be

I dont understood this one, which category? please make a screenshot of this category(individual category) in order to be more understandable.


Webmaker VIP
Total posts: 9
27 Сен 2012 23:21

Is there not a module that creates a menu with all the categories in each section???

28 Сен 2012 01:06

Is there not a module that creates a menu with all the categories in each section??? Unfortunately there is only module that creates menu with one section and its subcategories. Here is more information: Module Categories

05 Окт 2012 08:41

I don't understand how you can provide SEO compliant link using Joomla external link, witch is not able to give ItemId to element...

I create a section 'sec1', with 2 categories ('cat1' and 'cat2'). The section have its own menu witch is used in section and type parameters.

Then I have an URL like: /sec1

When I try to use external links to create sub menus for categories, I would like to have URL like : /sec1/cat1 and /sec1/cat2.

Instead of this I had URLs like : /sec1/category-items/1-sec1/1-cat1

And after, If I modify the category parameter category_itemid to expect to use the new menu link for this category, I have then an URL like : /component/cobalt/category-items/1-sec1/1-cat1?Itemid=[External link ItemID]

Really not usable for professional site !

06 Окт 2012 22:36

Of course our variant isn`t the best. This is current behavior and I am sure the Cobalt 8 corrects it.

The SEF-question is too big to discuss in this theme. If you have any suggestions we`d like to know it. ou can created your own topic in the Ideas section

11 Фев 2013 09:53

Hello Ekaterina,

I just experiment a new way to link category content from a menu, without hacking so much Cobalt, and I think their is maybe an easy solution to propose.

This modification need the Cobalt Categories field declaration I propose to Sergey few days ago, on the following topic : JFormField for Cobalt Categories

here is the field declaration code I put in the default records XML file, just under the section_id selector :

<field name="cat_id" type="ccategories" label="JGLOBAL_CHOOSE_CATEGORY_LABEL" description="JGLOBAL_CHOOSE_CATEGORY_DESC" default="">

    <option value="">JNone</option>


I also add the zip archive of the entire file, to allow using it without editing it.

It's not changing nothing about the routing process, and also on the sections and categories declarations.

Off course, when you need to show all the section records, you let this parameter on JNone (none).

I do not test to put a different section_id than the section of the selected category, witch could have some weird comportment...

In my case, I have :

  • A section witch show all records, even from sub categories

  • A sub-category with some records

  • A menu for the main section, witch is also the ItemId declared in the section and the type parameters

  • A menu for the sub-category, witch is aslo the Itemid declared in the category parameters

It seems to work very well, and allow me to not use the external link type, and then to keep my SEF navigation structure. Their is also no need of a new router procedure for now.

If some of you can made some test about it, it could be great to know if it's working in all cases, and if some change must be done somewhere :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Май 2013 15:20

Any news on this? Besides Christophe's SEF concerns, it is not a good user experience to fiddle around with external link menu-items. Is there any solution in C8 final?

Total posts: 13,748
12 Май 2013 04:04
Работает на Cobalt