Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
28 Фев 2018 16:05

I have optimized my site via JCH optimize and it loads really fast but only for guests. Once I log in some pages loading time gets high, up to 20seconds.

I have optimized everything, minified html, css, js, optimized images, gzip enabled, caching is enabled.

All testing services like google insights, webpagetest, gtmetrix give high ratings.

So I can only blame database, I ran db optimize but it is not enough. I plan to change session handler and look if anything will be changed. ALso I noticed that Cobalt CCK and Easysocial are using mostly MyISAM type tables while other extensions and Joomla core is using InnoDB. Will Cobalt function properly if I will change its tables to InnoDB ?

Последние изменения: 04 Март 2018

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Total posts: 13,748
04 Март 2018 12:57

You should trun debug mode and then you will not guess any more but you will see exactly what query slows down your website and then you can apply special treatment to DB so that that query run fast.

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
04 Март 2018 13:43

I found reason. It was my custom made field for cobalt. I have disabled it and speed is good now.

Работает на Cobalt