pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
06 Июль 2015 01:14

Hello gteigland, what is your final order you want to achieve?

I remember you are using ES, right? Then your Profile + PMS link come from the community integration file:


Apparently, the actual markup seems to be created in the Cobalt core helper file:


Unfortunately, that means the HTML is build before you output it through your Cobalt list/article templates.
So, it might be very hard/tricky to do some modifications to the ordering...

PS: Maybe a good point for optimization in Cobalt 9 ;) Split design/bootstrap markup from code as much as possible.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
07 Июль 2015 17:57

You are right after looking at the files a little more complicated then I had hoped.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Июль 2015 08:58

What order do you want? Alphabetical or custom?

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
08 Июль 2015 13:45

Hoping custom:

  1. Cobalt Personalization Home page
  2. Link to User profile (ES)
  3. Messaging function


Total posts: 13,748
10 Июль 2015 10:31

Ok it is custom order. I afraid I cannot do anything about that.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
10 Июль 2015 13:54

Alpha would be a second option that could work for me. What would I need to do for that?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Июль 2015 07:27

I inserted alphabetic order next version

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
18 Июль 2015 21:15

Looking at those files I can't decipher what the raw code link is for this:

As I need to insert it on an icon below.


Total posts: 13,748
20 Июль 2015 06:14

You can see that in integration file. Basicaly the link to ES profile you can use something liek this.

<a href="/<?php echo Foundry::user($id)->getPermalink();?>">User icon</a>

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
20 Июль 2015 15:59

Thanks so much for the response but when I put in the code you suggested I get this error:

The requested URL /
Notice: Undefined variable: id in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 166
/index.php was not found on this server.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Июль 2015 19:10

Of course! YOu ahgve to change $id to ID of the user.

If you in deafult_user_block.php and you did not delete line 25.

$current_user = JFactory::getUser(JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('user_id', $this->user->get('id')));

Then you can change $id to $current_user->id.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
21 Июль 2015 20:36

thats it! for anybody reading this that is a little slow like me.:) make sure to add the ../ (the two dots) in front of the slash to complete the link.

So the final link would be:

"../<?php echo Foundry::user($current_user->id)->getPermalink();?>"


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