darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
10 Июнь 2016 11:12

Hi, I am creating a project monitoring portal, where I have the following setup, I have created client type, project type and payment type, whith parent/child relation fields, Client is parent of projects, and project is parent of payment.

Now to the payment type, I have created date/time field, and payment value text field for the records in this TYPE, now I like the system to notifiy users about the payment date entered in the date/time field, so the system reminds them to communicate with their client to collect the payment in due time.

Is that possible to do?

Also if you have any remarks about my setup, they are appreciated.

Thank you. Regards.

Последние изменения: 12 Июнь 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Июнь 2016 12:26

Some additional thoughts

The Status field could be of interest for you. Benefits: Icons give a quick overview and feedback. AJAX edit-in-place without going into record edit mode. Notifications and custom-SQL queries can be fired.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
10 Июнь 2016 12:47

Hi, Thank you for your kind reply pepper, But how exactly is this going to link to my date/time field so it can triger send email before/on/and after date.

I dont think this is relevant to my question.

I am sorry if I ask for example if you have time. Thank you.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Июнь 2016 23:02

darkhoros I dont think this is relevant to my question.

Yes and No. Sorry, did not want to confuse you. It was just a quick thougth and wanted to drag your attention on that field's features. Especially the workflow.

Would you mind to explain your edit and payment workflow in more detail, please. What type of fields do you use? Only Date/Time is clear to me. I can barely imagine "who is doing what and when" from your initial post. Thanks in advance.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
11 Июнь 2016 00:05

Hi, Thank you for your kind reply pepper. Regarding my project, is it a portal to manage projects for a firm.

There is a Client type fileds are most text for client name, phone nummber, address, geo location and relation field for projects as single client may have more than one project at the firm.

The 2nd type is Projects also most fields are text for project name, location, duration and cost and relation field for payments as single project will have more than one payment e.g. advanced payment, installments and final payment.

The 3rd type is Project payments will digit field for value and Date/time field for due payment date, and here is the problem, the firm needs to have reminders sent before and on and after the due dates, and this is my problem.

The 4th type is for Project documents where scaned paper work is attached to projects, not finished yet.

I hope this clear all your questions. I hope this help you guide me to a solution for my problem.

Thank you for your time. Regards.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
11 Июнь 2016 04:34


the status field will not really apply to your case scenario, since it is a manually updated field.

What you need might be a cron job, triggered once a day, since you have payment schedules based on dates (days). I would suggest to create your own controller in /components/cobalt/controllers and query the date of your field and the status of payment (additional field in 3rd TYPE) to see what projects need to send out reminders (on, before and after due date).

Check the cron.php in the said folder for sending out email notifications and a brief description about it under the documentation "Send email alerts" to get you started.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
11 Июнь 2016 04:41

since the date field supports already 3 states (the date itself, x days before the date and expired dates) email notifications would be a nice enhancement of this field (including a x days after expiration parameter)

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
11 Июнь 2016 10:03

Hi, Thank you for your replies.

I am Glad that you got the idea, I am not a php expert, if you or some 1 else is interested in doing such job, please send me a quote or inform me of such job cost.

Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2016 10:15

Sackgesicht since the date field supports already 3 states (the date itself, x days before the date and expired dates) email notifications would be a nice enhancement of this field (including a x days after expiration parameter)

True. But not solvable without cron anyway.

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