darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
01 Дек 2014 08:48

hi, I had 3 fields in my type, once I added a new text field, I cant seem to find the other 2 fields, in the types pages it is showning number 3 in the small green circle beside the word field, once I click on it I am unable to find any fields but the last added text field, and While I was creating the text field, I adjusted it to be the first field, but it is been displayed as the last field in the front end, how do I control its order in the front end.

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 03 Дек 2014

Total posts: 13,748
02 Дек 2014 03:13

You turned on filter. Change it on the left column


darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
03 Дек 2014 15:43

Thank you.

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