Total posts: 1
09 Авг 2014 14:57


we are about to build an EasySocial membership site with Emerald 9 as the tool to organize payed elements, if Emerald 9 offers the feature we need.

Is there an adapter for EasySocial and Emerald 9? If not, would Mintjoomla be willing to program one for us for a fee?

We need the following functionality:

For all members:

  • Create profile
  • Be found by other members, be connected by them and reply to messages
  • Read certain groups and forums

Furthermore for paying members:

  • Create profile
  • Search for other members, connect them and write to everyone
  • Read and write in all groups and forums

Can this be done for EasySocial with Emerald 9?


Последние изменения: 11 Авг 2014

Total posts: 13,748
11 Авг 2014 00:52

JustMe Is there an adapter for EasySocial and Emerald 9? If not, would Mintjoomla be willing to program one for us for a fee?

This really depends. Some things may be done only programaticaly.

JustMe Create profile

This is only thing Emerald cannot restrict. It creates infinity loop. You cannot register untill you get a subscription and you cannot get a subscrpiton unless you are registered.

JustMe Search for other members, connect them and write to everyone

Some of this is possible. But some will require programatic customisation.

JustMe Read and write in all groups and forums

Should be possible.

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