danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
07 Апр 2015 10:27

I'd like to report a bug in URL field.


For example you add two more row to URL field on submisson form. Now you see three url field. Then you delete second field. Now if you add one more row the socond and third field will get the same key so if you save record only the first and third url will be saved.

This is because of the key calculation in url.js in row 113

var key = $('#url-list'+ this.id).children('div.url-item').length;

I think remove button .click function must be extended with key recalculation. Unfortunatly my javascript knowledge is not enough for that :(

Последние изменения: 22 Май 2015

danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
15 Май 2015 12:39

Any fix or suggestion on this issue?

Total posts: 13,748
19 Май 2015 07:25

Fixed in next update.

danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
20 Май 2015 09:12

Many thanks. I will renew my subscription ASAP.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Май 2015 04:35

I updated URL field today.

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