bazinko VIP
Total posts: 42
21 Июль 2014 11:22

Site Set-up Joomla 3.3.1 Cobalt 8 (8.565) Pro. Version Easy Profiles 1.3.3 Pro Version Template Yoothemes Infinite (Same error with protostar template)

The user list module works on 4 other cobalt sections but gives me a white page on the cobalt calendar Here is the error: [20-Jul-2014 09:21:47 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JHtmlUsers in /home/xxxxx/public_html/components/com_users/helpers/html/users.php on line 20

I contacted Easy Profiles and this was the reply

Sorry but we not have experience with Cobalt Calendar. This error tell me that some script redeclare JHtmlUsers class, but Easy Profile not declare this class, our component use this to render profile fields. This class is a part of Joomla Core, com_users Components.

Any Ideas?

Total posts: 13,748
21 Июль 2014 13:13

Yes, this is name of our class. But there was not such a class before in Joomla.

And I actually cannot rename it as it is in templates. All custom templates will not work if I rename this class.

I made some changes in the code and hope this fill fix the issue. Update will be available following Thursday.

Работает на Cobalt