philippe100 VIP
Total posts: 3
12 Май 2021 03:33

Hi, I saw this description " Relations Create ONE-TO-MANY or MANY-TO-MANY relationships between and among content types or even within one content type. " in the functions of cobalt .. but don't see how it is working .. Any ideas ? Thanks

Последние изменения: 06 Сен 2021

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
19 Май 2021 12:31


One to many is used for example if you create catalog of books. where you can create one type for books and another for author. There is one author who has many books written, but Book can have only one author only.

Many to many can be used for example in Movie catalog where one type is Actors and another Movies. each actore can have relation to many movies and each movie can have relation to many actors.

To allow Many to many, you need to enable multiple parents option in Child relation field.

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