nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
11 Нояб 2015 12:04

Currently when you upload a file with an upload field type it gets converted to a unique name. Is it possible to have the original file name used again when downloading or maybe the title that you can specify for the file?

Последние изменения: 16 Нояб 2015

Total posts: 13,748
11 Нояб 2015 12:08

It keeps original file name when you downlaod it. Those key names are not visible to end user.

nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
11 Нояб 2015 12:29

I'm using 8.668 and I always get the key name when I download. When I hover over the document link, I see the link with the key name rather than the original file name. Could it be the way I retrieve the value in my template? I'm using $item->fields_by_id[184]->result; which may not be the best way with a document.

Total posts: 13,748
13 Нояб 2015 14:29

That is because you configured to download file directly. Change parameter to download indirectly


nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
16 Нояб 2015 17:46

Ahhh yes. That's it. Many thanks Sergey. I was really puzzled with that one.

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