discrockers VIP
Total posts: 14
23 Авг 2013 03:02


we would like to display our competion series with "team profiles", "event results" and a "ranking list". We are looking for a solution for so long.

  • Teamprofils: Playername, adresse, Dogname, breed...

It would be great to have lists of the events results that the team attended within the profile. I guess we can handle that with the related and reverse related fields. Something like this http://freestyledisc.org/profile.jsp?pl ... 1244&top=y

We would like to add the teams manual and give joomla users the option to add/edit some infos to there own profile.

  • Event Results: what would be the best method to display every single event in a list and connect them to the profile so the team can see what events they attended and what results they had. I guess also with the related fields. But, how can we connected about 50 competitiors within on article to there profile

I hope you understand what we are trying to do and it would be great to get some help or ideas how to do it. Maybe someone has done something simular before...any link is welcome.

best regards


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

23 Авг 2013 14:04

pepperstreetspeaking (sorry, can't login with twitter) :

Did you try an extension of this JED category? Mostly J!2.5 versions for obvious reasons. Will take some time to make them compatible.

24 Авг 2013 03:21

Yes, i tried all oft them and tweaked them for our needs. But, they are mostley for One On One Sports.

discrockers VIP
Total posts: 14
06 Сен 2013 02:24

Hello Pepperstreet, thank you for your answer.

We would like to have Team/Players profiles like here http://freestyledisc.org/profile.jsp?pl ... 1244&top=y at the end of the page you can see the competion list the player attended and the placment. The eventname is a related field link to the complete event results of the competion http://freestyledisc.org/result_details.jsp?title=Wies %B4n%20Jam%202012.

I hope this helps.

Is this possible with cobalt and related/reverse related field types?

discrockers VIP
Total posts: 14
06 Сен 2013 02:34
Работает на Cobalt