randallw VIP
Total posts: 74
14 Авг 2013 08:55

Trying to add a parent/child relationship through front-end by using the Attach Existing option... produces error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method CobaltViewElements::_default() in /home/accountname/domainname.com/components/com_cobalt/views/elements/view.html.php on line 20

Is this a bug?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
15 Авг 2013 10:21

This is strange. I cannot reproduce it. Most probably you missed something in configuration. Please give me login credential and I'll have a look.

Total posts: 13,748
19 Авг 2013 01:14

2 problems

  1. I could not find where is this error. Please give me exact URL on your site

  2. I could not login to frontend with my credential. I tried to edit my user account in backend but that does not help. I do not know why.

Total posts: 1,113
01 Сен 2013 23:05

We fixed this. It will be in the next release.

randallw VIP
Total posts: 74
02 Сен 2013 06:38

Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to look.

randallw VIP
Total posts: 74
20 Сен 2013 00:26

Update solved this problem. Thanks.

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