I think it would be cool to have this possibility
eg to create links below the record title like gallery, video, map, ...
which redirect directly to the specific opened tab in the record
or even for the record author to have the possibility to share a link whcih points directly
to certain contents (like the image gallery) in his record
this is especially useful if you create directories where users have a profile (record)
with many fields and different infos, almost like a minisite
currently this can aleady be done by using a 3d party tab generator like nonumber.nl tabber or slider
and a custom template, but i think it would be nice to ahve the option also for the default templates and tabs system
I think it would be cool to have this possibility eg to create links below the record title like gallery, video, map, ... which redirect directly to the specific opened tab in the record
or even for the record author to have the possibility to share a link whcih points directly to certain contents (like the image gallery) in his record
this is especially useful if you create directories where users have a profile (record) with many fields and different infos, almost like a minisite
currently this can aleady be done by using a 3d party tab generator like nonumber.nl tabber or slider and a custom template, but i think it would be nice to ahve the option also for the default templates and tabs system