Total posts: 202
03 Сен 2014 15:04


I've just been looking at the Calendar pack, and one feature that I think would be great for lots of uses is 'regular' events.


This Event is from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx and it occurs at xx:xx.

AND ... This Event happens on every "Monday" in the timeframe above.

The calendar view then has 'dots' on every Monday only, not on all the days between start and end date.

So, for regular events the user only has to add a date range and a day - and not like now where they have to add each event seperately.

Hope that makes sense.



Последние изменения: 04 Сен 2014

Total posts: 13,748
03 Сен 2014 23:54

Calendarjs component has an interface for recurring events. But it may be not what you want. FOr example events every monday through all year and every year? Or just some period of time? If second then it is better to use multiple dates selector.

Anyway, you are talking about very specific data enter model. It make sense for your case of course. But unfortunately it is not possible for what we have with this field now.

Total posts: 202
04 Сен 2014 01:14

Thanks for the reply.

I may be being a bit silly here, but where do I find Calendar.js? Can you give me link?



Total posts: 202
04 Сен 2014 01:31

I am happy with "events every monday through all year and every year" btw. :-) Dale.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Сен 2014 06:59

techutopia Calendar.js? Can you give me link?

Total posts: 13,748
04 Сен 2014 23:09

techutopia I may be being a bit silly here, but where do I find Calendar.js? Can you give me link?

And is domain for that component. But not yet moved ander that domain.

Unfortunately holidays API of this component is not utilized. I mean you cannot create repited events through Cobalt. It should be added to initialization of calendar javascript object.

It means it is good for yearly holidays like 8 March. But not yet good too add those events through Cobalt.

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