Total posts: 94
11 Сен 2012 22:13

Hi Sergey,

I'm wondering, does Cobalt 7 has a Claim feature?, This feature is very useful for my Business Directory.

I build my Business Directory base on the database that I had on my system. So practically, all data imported into my database will be recorded as Admin data (Owner is Admin). Where ideally, those data should be recorded belong to their data owner.

So here is where the "Claim feature" will be very helpful,

When visitor see his company data exist in my Business Directory, he can use Claim feature to claim the data, the claim should be approved first by Admin, and Visitor need to be registered first, Once it approved, the data owner (previously Admin) will be automatically change to Visitor User ID.

If Cobalt doesn't have it, Could it be assumed as a feature request ?

Thank You,

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 94
12 Сен 2012 11:10


This is the schema of how my Business Directory I would like to run, and I need your help with the setting.

Скрытый текст

Thank You for your help.

andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
12 Сен 2012 21:11

show us too , we can help you :D

Total posts: 94
13 Сен 2012 00:04


"I think you can use email field. User may clame, means send email to request it is his company."

Well, that is the simple way to do but, I will still have to change the author manually and not all of records have an email address.

Some of Business Directory script out there have a claim feature already.

If you could add it, I would very appreciate it, or if that is supposed to be a custom work I would like to request it.

Total posts: 13,748
13 Сен 2012 07:51

Well, that is the simple way to do but, I will still have to change the author manually and not all of records have an email address

In cobalt they do not have to. You just add field and send emails to custom email of admin who will process it. Anyway no one have to enter email there since it is only for clame. You even set that no one can enter email there. But enable mail send.

Well, that is the simple way to do but, I will still have to change the author manually and not all of records have an email address

If you could add it, I would very appreciate it, or if that is supposed to be a custom work I would like to request it.

Look, you do not need to spend extra money. Even if we do something the admin wil have to press button at least to confirm. The only difference is it will be not one but 4 clicks. That is it. It is ok for start. You will not get 100 clames a day. And iа you get, and your site will make you busy, it means it is profitable and worth another couple dollars spent.

Total posts: 13,748
13 Сен 2012 20:46

Maybe a checkbox, select, or Status field?

You are genius as usual! That is good solution. You can set this field visible only for admin. So you open article and just change status!

But particularly in this case it will require additional data to be entered like user ID to set for article assignment. But any way the general idea is good. Scheduled for Cobalt 8.

Maybe a checkbox, select, or Status field?

OR Status field could have "pre-defined" Queries, like in Records field. Might reduce "Gefrickel" and data loss, because of wrong queries ;-)

I think best approch wil be to make small query builder. Like What (UPDATE, DELETE) from (table name) where (condition 1, condition 2), ...

This way you do not write queries directly. But I think we will start with simple textarea for queries and may be later create some builder.

Total posts: 94
16 Сен 2012 09:58

Thank you Maik/Sergey,

You are the expert. I knew there are always be a solution.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Март 2013 13:50

I think best approch wil be to make small query builder. Like What (UPDATE, DELETE) from (table name) where (condition 1, condition 2), ...

This way you do not write queries directly. But I think we will start with simple textarea for queries and may be later create some builder.

Regarding "builder"... any news about this very versatile and handy feature?

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