golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
21 Нояб 2013 16:48


We have followed the Cobalt documentation from the very start, we have created a cron job that runs every minute:

wget -O /dev/null " ;task=cron.sendAlert&secret=XXXXXXXXXXXX" > /dev/null

The XXXXX.... represents our secret code that we added in Cobalt configuration.

Our issue is that, our website is configured so that articles submitted in Cobalt by frontend users are not automatically approved but need first to be verified by our moderators and then published by our moderators.

First Point:

The website admin needs to receive an email notification when an article is added by a frontend user so that our moderators know that there are articles pending approval.

Second Point:

The frontend user needs also to receive an email notification to inform him that his article has been submitted and is pending approval.

Third Point:

The frontend user needs also to receive an email notification once the article has been validated and published so that the frontend user knows that his article is live on the website.

We have tried all possible configuration but still we cannot achieve this, neither the website admin nor the frontend user do not receive any email notifications to inform them about the above mention status.

Is there anyway to achieve this as it is also important for us to be able to make it work this way.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
22 Нояб 2013 01:42
  1. Make sure administrator is subscribed for section. Admins do not get emails by default. Only users who are subscribed.

  2. There is not alert that that article was added by the same user. Cobalt does not send email alerts or remember notifications of actions made by user. For example user bookmarked record A and he also follow this record. He will not receive notification that he bookmarked this record. All other followers will. So if usr add record, he will not receive notification of what he has just done.

  3. In any case user have to receive alerts when article is published. Please check that after article is added user. Also check that user turned on email alerts.

Also not that cobalt does not send notifications of every event. Cobalt sends only digest. This is the same email for all events with list of events happened on the site.

Also not that we do not call email alerts - notifications. Notification is a red dots on the site. this is visual representation of event happened. And email alert is simple list of notifications. It may sent or not but notification received anyway.

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