Michel_ VIP
Total posts: 61
24 Март 2014 08:18

I check your new version to upgrade my website.

And I'm a little bit disappointed with Cobalt gallery field.

Nowadays, most photos uploads use drag & drop (most of the time using Jquery libraries, like jQuery File Upload).

When do you plan to offer this kind of facility?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Март 2014 08:53

The upload element is still from Joomla 2.5 mootools based. Unfortunately it is not part that is easy to change to jQuery and keep compatibility with old field. There is no ready component like that. We have to create new component from scratch with all features that are now and those that ara planned.

We do plan to update all Mootools components to jQuery in Cobalt 9.

I cannot say you the date when we plan to release it though.

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