brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
29 Янв 2015 10:13

Does anybody know if cobalt is compatible with t3 framework -- purity iii template? Does its all functionalities work?

Последние изменения: 02 Фев 2015

Total posts: 13,748
30 Янв 2015 02:06

In general some people manages to work with this template. But it is not natively supported because it is Bootstrap 3 based. And Joomla is officialy Bootstrap 2. So there are a lot of things there you will have to solve.

Total posts: 58
31 Янв 2015 01:57

i'm using t3 blank for my site, just clean joomla bootstrap css file and it working normal

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
02 Фев 2015 04:05

*No it is not compatible - at least with T3_BS3_Blank template.

Radio buttons do not work. They do work with T3_blank (which is BS2 based)

I have left a bug report in this Forum but I suspect its a T3 template issue, not cobalt.

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