stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
05 Янв 2013 12:54

I have the option to set the language on the type.

Does this mean that if i add 2 types to the same section... one in language1 and the other in language2, that C8 will check what J!user language is set to that user and show the correct form?


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
06 Янв 2013 09:45

No. If you want this approach (like Joomla core) then you even have to create 2 different sections and 2 different menu items. SO when user is on one language he se link to one language section and on the other language to the other section. ANd of course every section refer to different type.

Or you can simple translate form. Almost everything is translatable as I mentioned in Joomla language overrides..

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
06 Янв 2013 20:21

I see... i will have only to lookup what labels are used to translate.


30 Янв 2013 19:18

So if I would like a form translated, I should just use Joomla language override for all the fields, I take it?

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
31 Янв 2013 08:35

Hi Michael.

There are 2 possibilities:

1 - Force the user to set his language on Joomla edit profile link, but most users don't use that link to change language. Let's not forget we are talking about end-users with no knowledge that they can even change the language in edit profile link.

For this i tried to find a solution to embed the "change your language" dropdown into the register form, but without success.

For this you method you can use Joomla override.

2 - The method i use. Installed Falang and downloaded Mintjoomla Cobalt elements. It will help translate Cobalt sections, types and fields.

There are 2 Good thing about Falang.

If you have your site in English with option to translate to Portuguese and Spanish, when i press the spanish flag it translates. I close the browser and when visiting your site, it appears already in spanish, so it remembers the option cookie-based.

Another good thing is that it does not only translate the elements but when you press the flag it also looks up for the correspond language files in /language folder.

I noticed because i use bt-login which has no Falang elements so they cannot be translated on the backend... but i have the bt-login-pt and bt-login-en in /language folder and it changes the language.

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