My question is: can the user renew the same expired subsciption (after it expire) or he have to buy another new one?
I'm a system administrator and I'm configuring Emerald on my client website and I'm doing some tests.
I tried to buy a subscription and to simulate the expiration.
After the expiration, I can't see any button such as "renew this subscription" in the My Subscriptions section.
It could be useful for me because I need to have the same id of purchaded/expired/renewed subscription (in order to allow me to do some custom actions on a custom table of a component I created).
Thank you in advance!
Hi. My question is: can the user renew the same expired subsciption (after it expire) or he have to buy another new one? I'm a system administrator and I'm configuring Emerald on my client website and I'm doing some tests. I tried to buy a subscription and to simulate the expiration. After the expiration, I can't see any button such as "renew this subscription" in the My Subscriptions section. It could be useful for me because I need to have the same id of purchaded/expired/renewed subscription (in order to allow me to do some custom actions on a custom table of a component I created). Thank you in advance!